CNPV Announces Master Distribution Agreement for North America
CNPV Solar Power SA, a open singular guilt association orderly underneath a laws of a Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and.. [more]
2011-09-28 22:42
Disposal of Barrow Offshore Wind Farm Transmission Assets
Barrow Offshore Wind Ltd., a 50/50 joint venture between Centrica and DONG Energy, announced that it has completed t.. [more]
2011-09-28 22:37
Gamesa Expands Its Position within the Chinese Market Delivering 200 MW to Huadian
Gamesa, a global technology leader in the wind energy industry, signed an agreement to supply 200 MW to Huadian New Ener.. [more]
2011-09-28 22:33
Google and Clean Power Finance Partner to Create $75 Million Fund for Residential Solar Projects
Clean Power Finance, the provider of integrated services and financing solutions for the solar industry, and Google (NAS.. [more]
2011-09-28 22:30
GT Advanced Technologies Releases Case Study on the Impact of Sapphire Material Quality on the LED Wafering Process
GT Advanced Technologies Inc., (NASDAQ: GTAT), announced the release of a case study “Yields Matter: The I.. [more]
2011-09-28 22:27
Tenaska Solar Ventures Chooses First Solar to Construct Imperial Solar Energy Center South
In a major step in the development of the Imperial Solar Energy Center South, Tenaska Solar Ventures, the solar energ.. [more]
2011-09-28 22:25
CNPV Announces Master Distribution Agreement for North America
CNPV Solar Power SA, a open singular guilt association orderly underneath a laws of a Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and.. [more]
2011-09-28 0:12
DOE Finalizes Partial Guarantee for $852 Million Loan to Support California Concentrating Solar Power Plant
U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that the Department of Energy finalized a partial guarantee for an $852 mil.. [more]
2011-09-28 0:09