Pattern's Southern Cross Transmission Project Receives Key FERC Approvals
Pattern Energy Group LP (Pattern) today announced that its Southern Cross transmission project has obtained two key re.. [more]
2011-12-28 1:28
Pattern Energy Secures 20-Year Purchase Deal with Mining Company for Wind Project in Chile
Pattern Energy Group said that a Chilean miningcompany has entered into a 20-year power purchase agreement for the output .. [more]
2011-12-28 1:23
Silfab Ontario to Supply Sunny Day Energy with around 5 MWp PV Modules
Sunny Day Energy, an affiliate of a family owned and operated property development and management company based on Ontario.. [more]
2011-12-28 1:03
Ormat Signs a New 20-Year Power Purchase Agreement for 10 MW Solar PV Project with Imperial Irrigation District
Ormat Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: ORA) announced that it has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Imperial.. [more]
2011-12-28 0:53
Hanwha SolarOne Uplevels Solar PV Module Design and Simplifies Installation With Zep Solar Mounting Solution
Hanwha SolarOne Co., Ltd. ("Hanwha SolarOne”) (Nasdaq:HSOL), a global, end-to-end solar systems manufacturer, to.. [more]
2011-12-28 0:14
S.A.G. Solarstrom AG Donates an 11.4 kWp Photovoltaic System
S.A.G. Solarstrom AG (German security identification number: 702 100, ISIN: DE0007021008) has donated an 11.4 kW.. [more]
2011-12-28 0:12
Fisker Automotive EV Batteries Experience Safety Issue
An electric vehicle (EV) battery maker has found a possible safety issue in the batteries it makes for Fisker Automotive .. [more]
2011-12-28 0:03
ACCIONA Puts Its First Wind Park in Poland into Service
ACCIONA Energy's wind park at Golice has just entered service in Poland, the first installed by the company in the c.. [more]
2011-12-28 0:00