Campbell Dedicates 9.8-Megawatt Solar Power System
Campbell Soup Company (NYSE: CPB), BNB Renewable Energy Holdings, Enfinity America Corporation, FirstEner.. [more]
2012-06-25 23:29
Coulomb Technologies Partners with National Grid to Extend ChargePoint Network throughout New York State
Coulomb Technologies, Inc, the leading electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions provider announced it has partnered with .. [more]
2012-06-25 23:27
Fisker Automotive Celebrates Revolutionary Technology and Design With Significant Wall Street Journal Advertising Presence
In its first major advertising campaign in national US media, Fisker Automotive, the leading manufacturer of luxury Elec.. [more]
2012-06-25 23:23
LA County Approves First Solar to Start Module Installation at AV Solar Ranch One
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works and First Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR) have reached an agreemen.. [more]
2012-06-25 23:18
Offshore Port Option at Sheerness to be Ended
Portof Sheernessand Vestas have jointly announced that further development of a Vestas facility at the port will not proce.. [more]
2012-06-25 23:16
SolarCity Honored at Rio+20 as a Top Sustainable Solution for Making Solar Affordable for the Masses
SolarCity, a national leader in clean energy products and services, was honored this week at Rio+20, United Nations Conf.. [more]
2012-06-25 23:11
Transport of Kawailoa Wind Turbine Components to Start June 25
First Wind, an independent U.S. based wind energy company, announced today that trucks with oversized trailers will start .. [more]
2012-06-25 23:09
Campbell Dedicates 9.8-Megawatt Solar Power System
Campbell Soup Company, BNB Renewable Energy Holdings, Enfinity America Corporation, FirstEnergy Solutions and S.. [more]
2012-06-22 23:28