ReneSola Solar Modules to Power Landmark Commercial and Retail Development
ReneSola to Provide Solar Modules for Cummings Center in Beverly, Massachusetts
ReneSola Ltd ("ReneSola" or the.. [more]
2012-09-14 23:07
Energy Department Launches SunShot Prize Competition to Install Solar Energy Systems at a Fraction of Today’s Price
As part of the Energy Department’s SunShot Initiative, which is working to make solar energy competitive with other for.. [more]
2012-09-14 23:06
Windreich offshore parks: The Third Connection with the Grid is also on the Right Track
The on-schedule connection with the grid for the offshore wind park "Deutsche Bucht" is now a good deal closer. At the hea.. [more]
2012-09-14 23:05
Nordex: Profitable Growth Underpinned by a New Corporate Strategy
Focused sales strategy
New turbines with cost-optimized design
Strengthening of the purchasing department
“Over the next .. [more]
2012-09-14 23:03
Juhl Wind, Inc. to Power Minnesota Vikings' Home Games with 100% Renewable Energy Throughout the 2012-2013 Season
Juhl Wind, Inc.(OTCBB: JUHL), the Leader in Community Wind Power is pleased to announce that they are partneri.. [more]
2012-09-14 23:02
Gamesa Strengthens Its Brazilian Presence by Landing a New Contract to Supply 258 MW
The company will install 129 of its G97-2.0 MW turbines at 10 wind farms which Santa Vitória do Palmar Holding .. [more]
2012-09-14 23:00
EWEA : Offshore Wind Jobs Central to ‘Blue Growth’
Today’s Communication by the European Commission shows clearly the potential for additional economic activity in Europe’.. [more]
2012-09-14 22:59
Ford’s New Li-Ion Batteries Reduce Use of Rare Earth Metals, Enable Superior Fuel Economy for Fusion, C-MAX Hybrids
•New projected 47-mpg Ford Fusion Hybrid and EPA-certified 47-mpg C-MAX Hybrid feature lighter, more efficient, .. [more]
2012-09-13 23:02