GT Advanced Technologies Completes Restructuring with Streamlining of Operations and New Functional Structure
GT Advanced Technologies (NASDAQ: GTAT) announced that it is transitioning to a functional organizational struc.. [more]
2013-01-11 22:26
Solar Frontier Enters Agreement with Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) to Establish Joint Investment Company
Solar Frontier announced that it has reached a basic agreement with the Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) for the estab.. [more]
2013-01-11 22:24
SMA Sunny Central CP XT-Inverters Meet Grid Connection Regulations for South Africa
With their technical functions, central inverters from SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA) meet the requirements laid ou.. [more]
2013-01-11 22:23
SOLON, Duke Energy Renewables Complete Black Mountain Solar Project in Arizona
Duke Energy Renewables, part of Duke Energy’s Commercial Businesses, and SOLON Corporation announced the comple.. [more]
2013-01-11 22:20
First Solar Acquires Chilean Project Developer Solar Chile
Investment to advance PV power plant projects in sustainable market with world-class solar resource
First Solar, Inc.(N.. [more]
2013-01-10 22:59
JA Solar Commences Mass Production of 5-Inch High-Efficiency Monocrystalline Modules
JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd.(Nasdaq:JASO), ("JA Solar" or the "Company"), one of the world's largest manufacture.. [more]
2013-01-10 22:58
KYOCERA Introduces Diamond Partner Program for Solar PV Installers
Exclusive Benefits Program to Help Partners Provide Long-Lasting, Reliable Solar Solutions, Improve Sales Proces.. [more]
2013-01-10 22:56
Polysilicon Industry to Resume Growth in 2013
Bernreuter Research sees rising demand with new PV installations of 36 GW
The global polysilicon industry will return t.. [more]
2013-01-10 22:54