5GWh! HyperStrong's Intelligent Energy Storage Project Begins Construction
2024-09-27 18:07

On September 25th, the groundbreaking ceremony of HyperStrong's 5GWh intelligent energy storage equipment manufacturing base project was held in Dalat Banner.

At the ceremony, Burenqimuge announced the commencement of the 5GWh Intelligent Energy Storage Equipment Manufacturing Base Project of  HyperStrong.

 HyperStrong 5GWh Intelligent Energy Storage Equipment Manufacturing Base Project builds an annual output of 5GWh intelligent energy storage equipment production line, supporting the construction of energy storage system technology research and development center and intelligent service center. The project is located in Ordos Dalat Economic Development Zone.

In recent years, in the municipal party committee, the strong leadership of the municipal government and departments at all levels of full support, Dalat Banner around the construction of “two ten million kilowatts of energy base” synchronized planning ten billion new energy equipment manufacturing industry clusters.

It is understood that Beijing HyperStrong Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprises, national specialization, speciality and new “small giants” enterprises, but also the industry's leading energy storage system solutions and technical service providers, focusing on the research and development of energy storage systems, production, sales and service, to provide a full range of energy storage system products and one-stop total energy storage system for traditional power generation, new energy generation, smart grid and other “source - network - load” full chain of industry customers.

As a key link in the development of new energy equipment manufacturing industry chain of Dalate Banner, HyperStrong Intelligent Energy Storage Project plays an important role of demonstration leading and radiation leading for Dalate Banner to extend the industry chain, promote the industrial agglomeration, and enhance the quality and efficiency of the industry.


Tags:energy storage