Jinko Solar’s 10GW N-type high-efficiency battery project in the Middle East is progressing steadily and is expected to be put into production by the end of 2025
2024-08-05 17:31

Jinko Solar announced that its 10GW N-type high-efficiency cell and module project in the Middle East is expected to be officially put into production at the end of 2025 or early 2026. The advancement of this major project marks the further deepening of Jinko Solar’s layout in the global photovoltaic market, especially the significant enhancement of its strategic position in the Middle East, a high-growth region.

According to the investor relations activity record sheet disclosed by Jinko Solar, the company has been deeply involved in the Middle East market for many years and has established a solid market foundation in the region with its leading N-type technology and extensive global sales channels. This Middle East project is not only large-scale, but also an important part of Jinko Solar’s overseas production capacity layout. After full production, it is expected to achieve industry-leading product efficiency and competitive cost levels.

Currently, the photovoltaic market is in a period of rapid development. Jinko Solar said that the overall demand for photovoltaic modules in the third quarter was stable, the company's monthly production schedule did not change much, and N-type batteries were close to full production. In the face of price fluctuations in the photovoltaic industry chain, the company is actively adjusting its strategy to control the shipment scale of low-price markets and loss-making orders. Subsequent product prices will be flexibly adjusted based on changes in market supply and demand.

It is worth noting that Jinko Solar continues to make breakthroughs in the commercial mass production of new technologies. The company believes that the key to achieving large-scale commercial mass production of new technologies lies in the economic investment and production costs and the improvement of product yield efficiency. This concept is fully reflected in the Middle East project. Through advanced technology and efficient management, the project is expected to quickly reach the industry-leading level after it goes into production.

In addition, Jinko Solar also revealed that the project-related funding arrangements have been progressing smoothly. The delivery was completed in the first quarter and the first installment of RMB 1.2 billion was received. Recently, it received RMB 394 million in partial transfer price for the second phase of the project, providing solid financial support for the smooth implementation of the project.

With the gradual advancement of the Middle East projects, Jinko Solar’s competitiveness in the global photovoltaic market will be further enhanced, laying a solid foundation for the company to achieve a higher level of global transformation and sustainable development.


Tags:cell , Jinko Solar