15.3GWh! Tesla Wins Big Energy Storage Deal
2024-07-22 15:47

On July 18, Tesla announced the signing of a contract with Intersect Power to provide 15.3GWh of Megapacks (Tesla's battery energy storage systems) for Intersect Power's solar + energy storage project portfolio. This agreement will make Intersect Power one of the largest Megapack buyers and operators worldwide, with plans to deploy nearly 10GWh of large-scale storage systems by the end of 2027.

Tesla has previously supplied Megapacks for Intersect Power's solar + energy storage projects, with a total capacity of 2.4GWh currently operational or under construction. Intersect Power plans to use more than half of the Megapacks from the new order for four projects in California and Texas, expected to be operational by the end of 2027, including some of the largest battery installations in the U.S. The remaining Megapacks will be used for Intersect Power's subsequent solar + storage projects, scheduled to come online between 2028 and 2030.

Mike Snyder, Senior Director of Tesla Energy, stated, "Intersect continues to be an exceptional partner for us. Their development expertise combined with Tesla’s vertically integrated, plug-and-play technology enables the speed and scale needed to enhance grid resilience and support greater renewable energy integration."

Intersect Power CEO Sheldon Kimber commented, "No company in the market can match Tesla's extensive experience in storage technology. This partnership builds on Intersect Power’s position as one of the largest and fastest-growing storage products in the U.S. This storage franchise perfectly complements our multi-billion dollar renewable energy generation expansion plan, which is expected to triple the scale of our company over the next three years."

In the second quarter of 2024, Tesla's energy storage installations reached 9.4GWh, representing a year-over-year growth of 157% and a quarter-over-quarter growth of approximately 132%, setting a new record for single-quarter storage installations.

source:Lithium π

Tags:energy storage , Tesla