N-type acceleration! SolarSpace's 210R module rolls off production line
2024-05-24 17:25

On May 17, the first piece of high-efficiency TOPCon 210R rectangular cell module was successfully rolled out of the Xuzhou base, marking that the 210R module has officially entered the mass production stage, and the pace of innovation and development strategy of N-type products of SolarSpace continues to accelerate.

This product is the first rectangular module of SolarSpace, marking a historic breakthrough in the innovation of SolarSpace's module version. The module uses SolarSpace's large-size 210x182mm TOPCon rectangular cells, which can deliver a module power of up to 620 W. Compared to the 182-72 version, the power is increased by up to 30 W+.

The product adopts non-destructive cutting technology, SMBB technology and high-density packaging technology to shorten the cell pitch, optimize the layout design and increase the effective power generation area. The ultra-low temperature coefficient means that the module's high-temperature resistance is even better, while the higher double-sided ratio and better low-light performance will bring customers higher power generation gain.

The design of this product is optimized on the traditional 182-72 version of the module. While maintaining the width of 1134mm, the length is slightly increased from 2278mm to 2382mm, which almost achieves the design of “top frame” for maximizing the container transportation and reducing the transportation cost. With the advantages of high power and large size, the 210R rectangular module can effectively reduce BOS cost and LCOE, and its significant cost reduction and efficiency potential will be favored by more and more customers.

SolarSpace continuously optimizes the construction of production lines, improves the process flow and upgrades the workshop equipment. At present, the intelligent production workshop of Xuzhou base applies fully automated production lines and has a high efficiency module production capacity of 2GW+. Prior to the launch of the 210R rectangular module, the 210R TOPCon rectangular cell had already been mass-produced at SolarSpace's Tongshan plant, providing a solid foundation for the efficient delivery of this module type.

Source: SolarSpace

Tags:cell , TOPCon