Expectations For Supply and Demand Indicate a Slight Improvement, While PV Glass Prices Are Anticipated to Rise
2023-08-02 13:46

As of July 28, the prevailing price for domestic 2.0mm coating PV glass remains steady at 17 yuan/㎡, compared to the previous week. Similarly, the mainstream price for 3.2mm coating PV glass stands unchanged at 25 yuan/㎡.

Currently, domestic photovoltaic glass production capacity has reached 91,010 tons/day. There were no new production lines inaugurated or leading the way in PV glass production last week, resulting in stable capacity and output. While no new production line ignitions are planned, some production lines are undergoing cold repairs. The total domestic photovoltaic glass production capacity amounts to 96,440 tons/day, with an industry capacity utilization rate of 94.37%. However, due to market conditions and new supply-side policies, the pace of new ignition among domestic PV glass manufacturers has considerably slowed down.

Last week, the month-on-month growth of module prices experienced a further weakening. The overseas market’s summer break exacerbated the inventory pressure on module manufacturers, leading to the return of a portion of the modules to the market. As a result, there was a slight decline in module prices within the domestic market. It is essential to highlight that since July, the performance of customer projects has shown improvement, and certain state central enterprises’ projects have been gradually operational. As customer demand picks up, module manufacturers’ overall operations are expected to rise in August, subsequently driving up the demand for PV glass from the consumer side.

In recent times, the supply of photovoltaic glass has remained relatively stable. Towards the end of the month, manufacturers accelerated their shipments, causing the inventory levels of most manufacturers to decline and alleviating some of the inventory pressure. Simultaneously, the cost of photovoltaic glass has continued to experience slight increments, while the industry’s gross profit margin hovers around 27%. As the end of the month approaches, a new round of negotiations is set to commence. With the operation rate of module manufacturers on the rise, there is an anticipated marginal improvement in the supply and demand of PV glass, which will likely result in a price increase.

Tags:PV glass