Foxconn’s EV Model B Debuted with Elegant and Urban Designs
2022-10-14 9:30

Foxconn will be hosting HHTD22 on October 18th. After releasing the video for the EV pickup Model V, the company has released today the teaser for its brand new EV Model B that has a shining red body, which also indicates that both Model V and Model B will be the two spotlights for this year’s HHTD.

Foxconn commented that Model B is the latest creation built by Foxconn’s open EV platform, and is designed with next-gen sports car-like and aerodynamic designs. Integrating an elegant body with robust performance, Model B aims to please not only aesthetically, but also functionality-wise. Details will be officially revealed at HHTD22 on October 18th.

Foxconn’s HHTD22 on October 18th not only highlights the core of EVs, but also further extends to demonstration of applications such as low-orbit satellites, self-driving, automotive software, and semiconductor.

Foxconn commented that the lateral designs of HHTD22 will adopt very peri that is the color of 2022, paired with green fluorescent smoke that gradually brings out the immersive virtual scenery, which integrates with a background consisting of 0 and 1 that renders virtual and real perception. Continuing from the “3+3=∞” theme, the “∞” symbol is accompanied with the light dots of the satellite chain this year to highlight Foxconn’s core of EVs that is now extended to application demonstrations on low-orbit satellites, self-driving, automotive software, and semiconductor.

 (Cover photo source: Foxconn)
