YFY Academy to Revolutionize Carbohydrates, Which Founder S.C. Ho Believes to Be Suitable Replacement for Fossil Fuels
2021-12-10 9:30

On December 10, YFY hosted the YFY Academy Tech Summit. The Academy will be headed by YFY’s second-generation founder S.C. Ho, who made mention of the ability of carbohydrates to fixate carbon, as well as their renewability. Additionally, S.C. Ho believes that carbohydrates will be able to replace fossil fuel altogether as a new solution, with various governments now set to plan for carbon taxes. Citing Europe as an example, S.C. Ho emphasized that a reward-driven system is superior.

According to S.C. Ho, carbon tax is an inevitable thing, but what’s important is to ensure the proper policies are put in place, or else there this tax has no future. Take the current policies in Europe and North America, for instance. Tesla received subsidies due to its development of green energy. Once other companies saw this, they would naturally follow suit. Therefore, one of the ways through which government can promote carbon tax is by using rewards instead of punishments.

In the face of an overreliance on fossil fuels, energy shortage, environmental pollution, and extreme climates, YFY established the YFY Academy, whose core value is centered on the carbohydrate economy, in order to establish a platform that synergizes among science, technology, and industrial development. The academy will work on energy, materials, and digital R&D with the triple goal of low carbon, low energy, and de-fossil

S.C. Ho indicates that, prior to the fossil fuel age, human being used to treat the forest and agriculture as their primary resources. Whereas industrial revolution brought carbon emissions, agroforestry, on the other hand, is an industry that achieves carbon fixation and lowers carbon. YFY was founded as an agriculture firm and became established through papermaking. Through the process of papermaking, YFY gradually achieved five major recycling feats with agricultural waste products, paper, water, biofuel, and carbon through planting economic forests, and recycling byproducts. All of the aforementioned steps involve carbohydrates.

S.C. Ho believes that, in this generation, we should return to nature and once again recognize irreplaceability of carbohydrates for people, things, and the living environment. Carbohydrates produced through photosynthesis, along with its carbon fixation energy and renewability, will become a new solution that replaces fossil fuels. Incidentally, this was also a future direction mentioned during COP26.

S.C. Ho indicates that photosynthesis allows plants to produce oxygen and carbohydrate from carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water. This carbohydrate-based chemical model leads to good security and storage of carbon and energy. While wood fibers are the raw materials for papermaking, the carbohydrate contained within said fibers can achieve carbon fixation. Therefore, paper is a load-bearer for fixed carbon.

S.C. Ho further explained that the volume and renewability of carbohydrates concealed in nature can be comparable to the global reserve of fossil fuels. Through biochemical reactions, fibers can become suitable, recyclable materials various everyday uses, making fibers the top substitute for petroleum-based materials.

As an example, S.C. Ho cited the EU, where biofuel accounted for more than half of the union’s renewable energy in 2020. More specifically, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, and Britain are among the top biofuel consumers. Armed with nearly 100 years of carbohydrate expertise, YFY leverages the YFY Academy platform and tasks itself with the mission of developing and innovating carbohydrate-based renewable energy and materials, in turn putting forth maximum effort to contribute to the irreversible global megatrend of energy and carbon reduction.

 (Image: TechNews)
