Renewable Energy Surpasses Nuclear Power in Output in Taiwan
2019-06-24 11:03

The output of renewable energy has overtaken nuclear power again in Taiwan.

Thanks to the recent surge in PV power output in Taiwan during the hot sunny weather, its green-energy output has hit 3,915 MW at 11:10 a.m. on June 18, surpassing the 3,825 MW of output for nuclear power, according to the Taiwan Power Company.

At that moment, the total PV power output in Taiwan reached 1,576 MW, which represents 4.6% of the total power output, followed by hydroelectric power with 1,368 MW and pumped-storage hydroelectric power with 874 MW. Due to the lack of wind, Taiwan's total wind power output amounted to only 97.5 MW.

Taiwan's total PV power output would advance further to 1,628 MW at 11:20AM, boosting the total green-energy power output to 4,156 MW, for a total share of more than 12%, which is higher than the 11.2% share for nuclear power during the same period.

The total PV power output in Taiwan would began to slip thereafter, dragging down the overall renewable-energy output to 4,052 MW at 11:30 AM. Although this is 227 MW higher than nuclear power, the lead would shrink further to only 200 MW at 11:40 a.m. before being surpassed by nuclear power at 11:50 a.m.

This is the second time recently for renewable energy to prevail over nuclear power, following the last time on May 15th, when the prevalence lasted for only less than an hour. In the future, the role of renewable energy in the nation's power supply will continue to increase, following the inauguration of a number of offshore wind-power projects scheduled this year and next year.

(Collaborative media: TechNews, first photo courtesy of Steven Pisano via Flickr CC BY 2.0)

Tags:renewable energy