Enel Starts Operating 160MW Solar PV Power Plant in Chile
2016-05-31 17:15

Enel Green Power Chile Ltda (EGPC), a subsidiary of Enel, has completed and connected Finis Terrae in Chile to the national power grid. The 160MW facility is expected to generate up to 400GWh of solar electricity per year.

Locating in the municipality of Maria Elena in the Antofagasta Region, the Finis Terrae solar park is Enel’s largest PV solar power plant in Chile. The annual power generation will help Chile reduce over 198,000 tons of CO2 emission, and the electricity generated will be equivalent to the consumptions of around 198,000 Chilean households.

Enel invested approximately US$270 million in the construction of the project in line with the Group’s strategic plan. The investment was financed through Enel’s own resources. Finis Terrae is supported by a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA), and the power generated by the plant will be delivered to Chile’s Northern Region Transmission Network, SING (Sistema Interconectado del Norte Grande).

EGPC currently operates over 880MW of renewable portfolio in Chile, of which 364MW are from wind power, 430MW from solar PV, and 92MW from hydropower. Extra 300MW of projects are now under construction, including a 48MW geothermal plant.

Tags:solar plant