E.ON Solar Starts Constructing 20MW Maricopa West Solar Project
2015-08-27 19:06

E.ON Solar starts building the Maricopa West solar PV project, a 20MWac generating facility in Kern County, California. The solar panels will be mounted upon single-axis tracking systems, while the project is scheduled to be fully operational in 2015.

"The start of construction of the Maricopa West project is the result of the shared vision and hard work of E.ON's Solar team, which has established a track-record of engineering best-in-class solar sites in California and other favorable markets," said Steve Trenholm, CEO, E.ON Solar.

E.ON Solar will work with Signal Energy Constructors to build Maricopa West, which will be located on land in Southern California purchased from Maricopa Orchards, LLC. The project will create 160 jobs for iron workers, electricians, laborers and other trades while boosting the local economy.

E.ON Solar has built solar parks in California and Arizona. The company will build projects that do not use water in the production of solar electricity, while helping to address America's energy resource and security needs.

Tags:solar project