EDF Renewable Energy Celebrates Shiloh IV Wind Project with Dedication and Blade Signing Ceremony
2012-09-25 15:01

EDF Renewable Energy, formerly enXco, celebrates the development and construction of the Shiloh IV Wind Project with a blade signing ceremony.  The 102.5 MW (installed capacity) wind project is expected to begin delivering carbon-free electricity into the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (NYSE: PCG) generation portfolio in December 2012.

Shiloh IV Wind Project, located in Solano County, California, is the largest repowering project in the country whereby older technology is upgraded allowing for increased generation of clean energy with fewer wind turbines.  Approximately 235 Kenetech 100kW turbines originally installed in 1989 have been removed and replaced with 50 REpower turbines, each with a rated capacity of 2.05 MW.

Congressman John Garamendi stated, “California has made significant strides in advancing renewable energy technology since the early generation turbines were first installed in the 1980’s and I’m pleased to see the progress here in Solano County with the addition of Shiloh IV. I applaud the partnership of EDF Renewable Energy, Pacific Gas & Electric, and the community partners who helped advance this project. Renewable energy projects like Shiloh IV are paramount to creating regional jobs, helping local businesses and building long-term economic stability.”

EDF Renewable Energy developed, built and will own the Shiloh IV Wind Project while Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) will purchase the power generated under a 25-year power purchase agreement to supply approximately 40,000 average homes with clean electricity. EDF Renewable Services will provide operations and maintenance services for the life of the project.

 “The Shiloh IV project underscores the importance of technical innovation in the wind industry and its continual progress,” stated Mark Tholke, Vice President for EDF Renewable Energy’s Southwest Region.  “We are pleased to be able to implement today’s state-of-the-art turbine technology to achieve more than four-times greater capacity and nearly ten-times more energy with minimal addition in land resources.  Policy support, such as California’s 33% mandate for renewable energy and the federal Production Tax Credit, are critical for a stable wind industry focused on continued technological improvement.”

As part of EDF Renewable Energy’s workforce development program, and building upon last year’s $150,000 contribution, the company donated two Kenetech 100kW turbines to Rio Vista High School’s Renewable Energy Program.  The Program was established by EDF Renewable Energy and the River Delta Unified School District to prepare students for careers in the green energy industry.

“The development of renewable energy is a critically important task for the nation.  It takes commitment on the part of policy makers, companies, landowners and community leaders working in partnership over many years to bring a project to fruition, which in turn brings direct and indirect economic benefits to the communities in which they reside,” said Tristan Grimbert, President & CEO of EDF Renewable Energy.  “We are very proud of our long-term partnership with the communities of Solano County and glad to support the creation of academic programs to prepare young people for a future in the renewable energy industry.”

“Shiloh IV continues to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to provide PG&E’s customers with sustainable green power today and as California marches forward into a clean energy future,” said Fong Wan, Senior Vice President of Energy Procurement for Pacific Gas and Electric Company.  “PG&E delivers some of the cleanest energy in the nation to our customers, more than half of which comes from sources which are carbon free. We congratulate EDF Renewable Energy for their continued leadership in this vital area.”

Shiloh IV is the direct result of the state’s support for renewable energy mandates and the federal government’s recognition that renewable energy requires tax credits to level the playing field with fossil fuel based resources.  In the decade since California passed the landmark Renewable Portfolio Standards in 2002, EDF Renewable Energy has actively supported these goals through the development of 1,183 MW of wind and solar projects throughout the state.

Tags:renewable energy