DONG Energy and Korea Electric Power Corporation in Future Cooperation
2011-05-18 14:01

The President & CEO Ssang-Su Kim, Kepco, and CEO Anders Eldrup, DONG Energy, will sign a Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum will be signed in Copenhagen in connection with the official state visit from South Korea. 

The ambition is to promote an informal collaboration for the mutual exchange of information and discussion in the field of green technologies. These technologies include Smart Grid, wind power and bioenergy technology.

"DONG Energy is a major player in renewable energy and Smart Grid and I look forward to our cooperation. I am convinced that this will enhance both companies' efforts in shaping the future of energy efficiency and low-carbon society", said Ssang-Su Kim.

“Working together in a global business environment is important in shaping a green growth society in the future. Our joint experiences will pave the way for combined innovation on energy-related technology and business pursuits”, said Anders Eldrup.
