Mastering Renewable & Alternative Energies
2019-01-08 15:38

Dates & Locations:

26 – 29 August 2019, Dubai

18 – 21 November 2019, Singapore



The course is designed to provide clear, independent and business-focused guidance on market opportunity and risk to those deploying, investing in or regulating renewable power projects.

It is presented in language suited to non-engineering commercial executives and investors, so no prior knowledge is assumed or required. Presented throughout in an interactive and market-focused way, the course connects the multiple market environment factors that need to align in order that renewable power can scale up and integrate: from the business, system and policy environment to the project development processes, finances, risks and returns.

Over 4 days, attendees will be led from the global picture and trends through to the variables impacting the success (or failure) of individual projects and the integration of large amounts of renewable energy into individual power markets. This market analysis approach recognises that the sustainable growth of any renewable power business requires the balancing of interconnected and potentially conflicting requirements, including reliable service, investor returns and public/political acceptance.


Key Learning Objectives


Training Methodology

The agenda will combine presented materials with plenty of opportunity for Q&A, interactive discussions, and the use of quantitative models to illustrate key learning points. Current market examples and data are utilised wherever relevant.


Who Should Attend

Course Certificate

Upon the successful completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion bearing the signatures from both the Course Director and the Course Organiser. This Certificate will testify your endeavour and serve towards your professional advancement.


To register / enquire more details, please contact:

Abigail Harris

Infocus International Group

Tel: +65 6325 0215 | Email: abigail@infocusinternational. com

