PV ModuleTech 2017
2017-05-16 14:36

PV ModuleTech is a two-day conference that brings together all the critical issues regarding the manufacturing of solar PV modules, focusing specifically on real-world technologies and supply to the end-market.

Similar to PV-Tech and Solar Media Ltd.’s ground-breaking PV CellTech conference, PV ModuleTech will become the benchmark for quality in module equipment, materials, production, specifications, testing, certification and warranty.

Attend the event to hear from the leading module suppliers, equipment manufacturers and material suppliers. Presentations will be technology-focused, providing real-world data to support findings and trends shown.

PV ModuleTech will help industry players to finally get to the bottom of who is supplying the best PV modules to the different segments and geographies where PV is dominant today, with real data to back up the claims: and explanations of why equipment, materials, testing and certification is pivotal to being a global module market-leader in the solar PV industry.
