2017 Intersolar Summit USA East
2016-12-22 17:03

March 23, 2017| Brooklyn, NY, USA

The development of the solar industry at the U.S. East Coast was very dynamic over the past years. Government approvals and incentive schemes were stimulating continuous industry growth. However, the election of Donald Trump shattered the U.S. solar and energy storage industry. What is going to happen to the solar and energy storage industry? Will Trump for example decide to pre-emptively end the ITC? What would the impact be? What would the future drivers of the U.S. solar market be and what role would state policies play?

A perfect place to discuss the latest developments is the Intersolar Summit USA East, returning to Brooklyn NY for the fifth time on March 23, 2017 – two months after Trumps swearing-in. Solar and energy storage experts will provide comprehensive insights on latest developments impacting the eastern U.S. regional markets. It offers great business matchmaking opportunities with regional market intermediaries and leading suppliers.
